Who We Are

The members of Adoptive Families of Houston (AFH) believe that adoptive families can benefit from the education, guidance, and support of professionals and parents who have shared in the unique experience of adoption.


With the needs of adoptive parents and children in mind, Adoptive Families of Houston offers a variety of activities each year including educational programs, monthly playgroups for the children and an annual family picnic.


Adoptive Families of Houston is not affiliated with any agency, church, or organization. Anyone is welcome to join and membership start at $30/year for a family.


Our Goals

  • To educate parents on topics unique to adoptive families
  • To provide a supportive environment where adoptive parents and adoptees can feel comfortable discussing issues related to adoption
  • To provide opportunities for all members of the adoptive family to socialize with others who have been touched by adoption
  • To provide adopted children with a sense of belonging through friendships with other adoptees


AFH Events

Check our calendar for upcoming events. 


Educational Events: We host 5 educational events throughout the year. They are conveniently scheduled on Fridays evenings at St. Lukes Methodist Church, starting with a light dinner and mingling at 6:30 pm and the program at 7 pm.  Most programs conclude by 8:30pm.  


Examples of past programs:

  • Birthmom/Birthfather Panel
  • Teen/Adult Adoptee Panel
  • Talking to Your Kids About Adoption
  • Navigating Semi-open and Open Adoption Relationships
  • Nature vs. Nurture
  • Parent Education (ex: Parenting with Love & Logic; Consequences that Work; Social Skills 101; The Science of High Risk Behavior, etc.)
  • Movie Screenings on adoption and parenting topics


Social/Playgroup Events: We host multiple social events throughout the year. Some are designed for a specific age group and others are for the whole family.


In general, the following events are included in our calendar::

  • Meet and Greet Fall Kickoff (September)
  • Annual Celebration of Adoption Picnic (October)
  • Holiday Gingerbread House Decorating Party (December)
  • All-ages playgroups (about 1/mo when there aren’t other events)
  • Older Child Program for Ages 6-10 discussing adoption, how to answer adoption questions, and feelings about birth parents (4 sessions in the spring)
  • Baby and Toddler Playdates (multiple)

Membership Levels and benefits:

Do you want to be part of a community of families who have similar life experiences, adoption questions, concerns and need for knowledge? Join us today.


Who Can Join?

Anyone whose life has been touched by adoption:

  • Adoptive Parents
  • Adoptees
  • Extended Families
  • Waiting Parents (free 1 year membership)
  • Friends


Questions? Contact our membership team at membership@adoptivefamiliesofhouston.org


AFH Sponsors

We appreciate the support of our sponsors!

Presenting Sponsors 


Katy & Michael Casey

Stephanie M. Harp, Attorney at Law

Kathie Otte et al.

Platinum Sponsors 

The de Roode Family

Charles & Tonya Valentine

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Copper State Rubber

Bronze Sponsors 

Raju Adwaney & Abhishek Kansara

Nathan Carrell

Palmer Dental Group of Houston

Friends of AFH 

Elijah Lopez, CFP®, CRPC®, CFS®

Picnic Activity Sponsors

Balloon & Face Painting

Berly Family

Obstacle Course

The Bird Group Insurance Agency

Selfie Station 

Michael's Shell